Choose ABBA Group to sell your business and take comfort in knowing your best interests are already taken care of.

As a business owner you’re an expert at running your business. So chances are you don’t have the expertise needed to sell your business and achieve the best possible result.

Many vendors make the mistake of going it alone – coming to us only after they’ve wasted time, effort and money. This typically happens because business owners

  • Fail to prepare their business adequately before going to market
  • Present their financial information poorly
  • Prepare an unprofessional or unconvincing Information Memorandum
  • Price the business unrealistically
  • Don’t reach enough of the right buyers

Finding the right broker is essential to a successful business sale. Here’s why ABBA Group is a smart choice for your upcoming business divestment.

  • We represent your interests and your interests only
  • We’re honest with you from the outset – and don’t just tell you what you want to hear just to get your business
  • We spend extensive time learning about your business to ensure we implement the right sales and marketing strategy
  • We offer a fair fee structure which won’t open you to risk if your business doesn’t sell
  • We implement a targeted marketing strategy to reach the right buyers
  • We’re skilled negotiators who work hard to secure you optimum price and terms
  • We have solid relationships with lawyers, accountants and other professionals who can help with all aspects of your transaction

At ABBA Group, we ensure everything is in place to achieve the maximum result in minimum time. We do this by:

  • Tapping into our strong network of prospective buyers
  • Providing sound advice based on experience rather than emotional attachment
  • Implementing strategies to get multiple qualified buyers to the table
  • Keeping the deal on track to ensure all parties meet deadlines
  • Overcoming obstacles that may prevent your sale from completing
  • Reducing the risk of your sale not being consummated

The key factors potential buyers will consider are:

  • Revenue and profit trends
  • Industry and market trends
  • Robustness of contracts (with suppliers, customers and staff)
  • Reliance on any one customer or customer segment
  • Reliance on current owners
  • Formal valuation
  • Working capital levels and requirements
  • Timing of sale and any seasonal impacts

We’ll advise a fair and reasonable price by looking at many factors including:

  • Your business’s financial position and net profit
  • The ‘risk profile’ of your business
  • Recent sales of similar businesses in your industry

Some consultants may recommend promoting an inflated price to leave room for negotiations. However, we believe this is a bad idea.

Overpricing your business leads to fewer enquiries within your price range – and invites enquiries from prospects who may be looking for a bigger, more mature or more profitable business. In our experience overpriced businesses stay on the market for longer and eventually don’t sell or sell well below market value.

We suggest you allow 3-6 months for us to sell your business. However, many variables can affect this timeframe. Factors to consider include:

  • How ‘ready’ is your business for sale?
  • How quickly can you gather all the documentation and information?
  • Are your legal documents ready so that you can move quickly for the right buyer?

Sometimes factors outside your control may also affect the speed of your sale. Market conditions may change – or a competitor may choose to sell at a similar time.

Below is a list of documents that we recommend you have ready before going to market. Not all of these will apply to your business – and some may not be attainable – but the more information you can access, the better.

Finance and tax

  • Profit and loss for last 3 years
  • Current balance sheet
  • Proof of Sales for last 12 Months
  • Tax returns for last 2 years
  • Bank statements for last 12 months
  • BAS statements for the last 4 periods
  • Purchase invoices for last 6 months
  • Asset registry with pricing and proof of purchase
  • Current accounting software records

Property and legal

  • Contract of sale
  • Lease documentation
  • Current rental agreements


  • Workers’ contracts
  • Work manuals


  • Stocktake with stock value
  • Insurance policies
  • Certificate of registration and or incorporation